The City of Edgrr

A look into the mind of a perfectly mundane guy.

Iron Man; The Contemporary Captain America

Think about Captain America…now think about what he stood for. He was a volunteer, if I’m not mistaken, for some sort of experiment during World War I (or 2?). He went from being a scrawny kid to this superhero (mostly through the use of steroids I imagine). He was supposed to be everything an American should have been (back then), strong, patriotic, honorable, kind, noble, and all that other good stuff.

Now, think about Iron Man and what he’s was like…Perhaps he is a contemporary example of Captain America? A showing of how we as a nation have changed with the times, how our focus has shifted.

I am, of course, using only the Iron Man movies of today as my point for this argument. I am by no means a well-read comics-guru or anything so please feel free to dispute anything I say. However, if you’ve seen the Iron Man movies you’ll see what I mean. Tony Stark, all-American-millionaire-playboy-genius-party animal, CEO of his own company with an addictive personality. Isn’t that what America has become all about? Think about it…

Captain America wore the American flag as his costume (more or less), Iron Man dons a highly advanced, state-of-the-art mechanical suit. His costume is essentially just a gadget. He does in fact not have any superpowers, besides money and technology. Tony Stark, like most of us, is just a geek, a tech-kid…Concentrating less on values and more on valuables. Iron Man has all these fancy functions, is materialistic, again, like many of us nowadays.

Some values are carried over though from Captain America to Iron Man. Tony Stark is not just some prick with a cool suit. He still feels like he has an obligation to the people of the world, a certain loyalty to achieving his best…the American dream. And it’s like this that Iron Man mirrors our society today, while some values from our ancestors might have been lost we still carry on that flame, that need to achieve a greater good.

Again, this is all just something that I thought up one night after watching one of the Iron Man movies. I’m not a master of comicbook lore or whatever and I’m probably not right on all the details. Feel free to school me on the details though or just share your own opinion. Thanks! 🙂


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